It’s so easy to be misunderstood. Especially in job interviews. I wrote this list for myself. Maybe someone can use it.

The most common reason people leave companies: what was said at the beginning was not respected later.

Below you will find a couple of tips to help you talk, write and express a little better.

  1. Honesty is a superpower because people so rarely hear it in job interviews.
  2. There is no chance for an long term relationship by telling people what they expect to hear.
  3. You can’t explain a position you don’t understand and you don’t understand a position you can’t explain.
  4. Use the language your audience uses.
  5. Before you tell someone they’re wrong, tell them they might be right.
  6. All problems in communication are problems in attention. Turn off your phone
  7. Leave your ego at home. The most important person is the person you want to hire.
  8. A lesson learned from comedians: Good ones get laughs, great ones get silence between the laughs. 
  9. Assume you’ll be misunderstood.
  10. The more interested you are, the more interesting you’ll be.
  11. Every word is a choice and every choice has a consequence.
  12. Synonyms don’t mean the same thing. Avoid complex language and jargon.
  13. If your counterpart doesn’t understand you, it’s not their fault –  it’s yours. The problem is, they don’t tell you that they don’t understand.
  14. The point of an argument isn’t to win.
  15. Not only listen, try to understand.
  16. The one who asks the best questions wins.
  17. Don’t ask questions you don’t want answered.
  18. Sometimes what’s boring to one person is fascinating to another.
  19. Memorable conversations have one thing in common: Surprise.
  20. It might sound crazy, but: It’s easy to convince if the other person believes you have their best interests at heart. The problem: you need to take it seriously.
  21. The better you listen, the better you communicate.
  22. Communicate warm. If you can get someone to laugh and relax, you can get them to do anything.
  23. People notice if you describe something you believe — the opposite is also true.
  24. Don’t say words you don´’t understand
  25. Don’t write words you don’t speak. 
  26. The words you saying are different than the words others understand from you.
  27. Knowing when stop talking is a skill.
  28. BONUS: The whole interview can change when you change its start or end point.

Photo by Work With Island on Unsplash